This is an Ecology led public hearing.
Second Comment Period on Proposed Modifications to PUREX Storage Tunnels
August 13, 2018 – September 27, 2018
Ecology invites you to review and comment on this proposed permit modification to the Sitewide Permit. The proposed permit modifications affect the PUREX Storage Tunnels located on the Hanford site. The tunnels store waste, mostly large equipment components, from the PUREX Plant and other onsite sources. By completing the response action for Tunnel 1 and the proposed interim closure action for Tunnel 2, the tunnels will continue to safely store the waste.
The proposed changes include draft permit language reflecting the response actions taken to grout Tunnel 1 and the proposed interim closure action for Tunnel 2. The draft changes include a proposal to fill Tunnel 2 with engineered grout to help mitigate potential threats to human health and the environment. This will not preclude remedial or final closure actions until future cleanup decisions have been reached. Because the tunnels will no longer accept waste, this proposed permit modification will add the PUREX Storage Tunnels as a closing unit to the Hanford Facility RCRA Permit, Revision 8c.
How to comment
Please submit comments between August 13 and September 27, 2018.
Electronic submission (preferred):
Mail or hand-deliver to:
Daina McFadden
3100 Port of Benton Blvd
Richland WA 99354
Fax 509-372-7971
Public hearings for the PUREX Storage Tunnel permit modification
- August 27 at 5:30 PM at Richland Public Library, 955 Northgate Drive. Or you can connect by computer or call in to the Richland hearing via WebEx:
Join WebEx meeting
By phone: +1-240-454-0887 US Toll
Host room ID number (access code): 801 491 108
Meeting password: Ecology2018
Problems? Contact WebEx support
- September 5 at 6:30 PM at University of Washington - Center for Urban Horticulture, NHS Hall, 3501 NE 41st Street
Supporting documents